Soal PTS UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA MA Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban Lengkap Tahun 2022 MID Semester Genap

- 8 Maret 2022, 18:55 WIB
Soal PTS UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA MA Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban Lengkap Tahun 2022 'MID Semester Genap PDF DOC'
Soal PTS UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA MA Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban Lengkap Tahun 2022 'MID Semester Genap PDF DOC' /PIXABAY/

8. He was satisfied …. not overjoyed.
a. yet
b. but
c. as
d. still
e. stillness

9. …. his sister, he is very naughty.
a. Likely
b. Similar
c. Unlike
d. Differently
e. Same

10. After months of studying hard, Meeta…. cleared IAS examination.
a. initialy
b. therefore
c. consequently
d. finally
e. final

Baca Juga: Download Soal PTS UTS Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 10 SMA MA Semester 2 Terbaru 2022 Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

The following letter is for number 11-15!

Dear Johnson
Hello, Johnson. How’s life treating you? Do hope everything is okay. I tell you what I’m writing this letter is to confirm about your invitation. You said that I can visit you whenever I want to go to your City, Texas. I happily accept your invitation.
Well, will it be OK if I come to your house this weekend? I plan to spend my school holiday in Texas. It must be exciting to be in Texas again. Besides, I want to meet Eva, Helen, your father and mother. I just need to confirm if this coming weekend is OK. However, if you have something to do, I really understand. Send my best regards to all of your family that I miss so much. Hope to know your reply soon.


11. What is Texas like according to Nowo?
Jadwal Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS) Genap TP 2021/2022
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a. Boring
b. Exciting
c. Confusing
d. Frightening
e. Tiring

12. From the passage we know that Johnson….
a. has two sisters
b. accepts Nowo’s invitation
c. never visited Nowo
d. ever visited Nowo
e. hates Nowo

13. “If you have something to do,….”
(Paragraph 2). What does the word “you” in the sentence refer to?
a. Eva
b. Helen
c. Johnson
d. Johnson father
e. Johnson mother

14. “I just need to confirm at this coming….”
(paragraph 2). What does the underlined word mean?
a. To make sure.
b. To show uncertainly.
c. To get information
d. To deliver the news.
e. Invite


Editor: Ahmad Fitrianto


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