Bank Soal PAT UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTs Semester 2 Beserta Kunci Jawaban Terbaru 2022, Klik Download

- 31 Mei 2022, 15:35 WIB
Bank Soal PAT UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTs Semester 2 Beserta Kunci Jawaban Terbaru 2022, Klik Download
Bank Soal PAT UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTs Semester 2 Beserta Kunci Jawaban Terbaru 2022, Klik Download /Kanwil Kemenag/

21. Puffy is the … of the three cats.
a. oldest
b. lightest
c. thinnest
d. heaviest

The following pictures are for questions 22 to 24.

10 years old
Height: 155 cm Anita
12 years old
Height: 150 cm
15 years old
Height:160 cm

22. Sisca is...than Anita.
a. younger
b. shorter
c. older
d. shortest

23. Anita is ... than Sisca.
a. younger
b. shorter
c. older
d. taller

24. Rina is the … of her friends
a. tall
b. taller
c. tallest
d. more tall

25. Last year I ……… my holiday in Lombok.
a. spend c. spended
b. spent d. spends

26. We …….. the store in 1993.
c. open c. opened
d. opens d. opening

27. Ranny did not go to school ……
a. today
b. tomorrow
c. last week
d. next month

Read the following text to answer questions number 28-29!


Editor: Abdul Rosyid


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